


An Association that enables every human to live a more sustainable and conscious live.
UX/UI Design
Website Launch
My Role:
UX/UI Designer

Project Overview

Baumretter e.V. is a registered association dedicated to educating the public about environmental protection and providing guidance for sustainable living. Given the myriad of information sources on specific sub-topics of environmental protection, there was a distinct gap in the market for a consolidated platform. This project aimed to bundle these topics, offer users a comprehensive view, and evoke emotions that would encourage support for the association.


  • Design a cohesive user experience that encapsulates the essence of environmental conservation.
  • Ensure a clear categorization of various sub-topics related to sustainable living.
  • Evoke emotions that inspire visitors to support the association.
  • Reflect the association’s motto, “Wir sind viele” (there are many of us) through a nature-centric design.

Design Approach

1. Research & Discovery

To begin, I embarked on a journey of understanding the core values and goals of Baumretter e.V. This helped in shaping the user personas and defining the content structure.

2. Information Architecture

With the plethora of topics on sustainable living, I designed a clear, intuitive navigation system that segmented information under relevant categories.

3. Nature-centric Design

Drawing inspiration from nature, the design featured earthy tones, organic shapes, and captivating imagery of forests, wildlife, and communities working towards conservation.

4. Emotional Engagement

Integrating heartwarming stories, impactful statistics, and powerful visuals ensured that the website resonated emotionally with its visitors.

5. Reflecting the Motto

The theme “Wir sind viele” was weaved throughout the design using imagery of human-nature interactions, quotes, and subtle design elements.

Outcome & Results

The new Baumretter e.V. website offers a consolidated platform that not only informs but also inspires. With its nature-centric design, it creates an emotional bridge between visitors and the mission of the association.
By presenting information in a well-structured and intuitive manner, the website simplifies the information-gathering process for users, thereby increasing their engagement and likelihood to support the cause.

Feedback & Learnings

Post-launch analytics indicated a substantial increase in user engagement, dwell time, and most importantly, donations and sign-ups for Baumretter e.V. This project reinforced the importance of designing with empathy and how a well-thought-out styleguide can drive organizational objectives.

Feel free to contact me.

Together we can shape the digital into a greater experience.